
Com­bin­ing jazz, Indian and Arabic Rhythms the music of Unfurl is informed by a desire to create mean­ing­ful work. Inspired by nature and Buddhist ideals, the music has been described as ‘tran­scend­ent­al’, ‘organ­ic’ and ‘divine’ by critics.
Olivia Moore met per­cus­sion­ist Adam Warne in 2003 while he was per­form­ing Leeds. Seeing his pas­sion­ate enthu­si­asm he instantly […]

The Owl Ensemble

Olivia Moore — violin
Clare Smith — violin
Fiona Peterson — viola
Danny Nor­bury — cello
John Ellis — piano
Sylvan Richard­son — bass
Myke Wilson — drums
Olivia and Myke Wilson had talked about col­lab­or­at­ing for a long time, but The Owl Ensemble even­tu­ally came togeth­er in 2008. Com­bin­ing influ­ences of tango and Fla­menco music, with free impro­visa­tion the band soun­ded quite unlike any­thing else when […]