Album: Owl

Owl by The Owl Ensemble CD cover

Owl by The Owl Ensemble CD coverThe Owl Ensemble is a seven-piece com­pris­ing a string quar­tet with a jazz trio, blend­ing layers of rhythmic pat­terns and soar­ing melod­ies, described as invent­ive and sub­vert­ing clas­sic­al traditions.

Owl’ was has been played on Jazz FM and most recently by Radio Three’s Jazz Line-up. A review in The Brit­ish Jazz Blog hailed Olivia as a “true innov­at­or… there’s an enorm­ous sense that this album is going to go a long way to filling those nooks and cranny’s in your music­al psyche which keep you feel­ing that you’ve not heard that that ‘per­fect sound’ yet.”

1. Owl
2. Bulerias
3. The Dragon and The Drum
4. Shall We Dance
5. Tiratanaloka
6. Tango Tripata
7. I See You

The Musi­cians:
Olivia Moore – Violin
Claire Smith — Violin
Kath­er­ine Barnecutt – Viola
Semay Wu – Cello
John Ellis – Keyboard
Sylvan Richard­son – Bass
Myke Wilson – Drums
Glenn Sharp — Guitar (guest)
Gavin Barras — Double Bass (guest)

Down­load from Band­camp

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